1949 Citroën Traction 15-Six berline

Make Citroen
Year 1949
Chassis Number 690855
Auctioneer Artcurial
Event Retromobile 2016
Auction Date 05/02/2016
Lot Number 304
Result sold
Sold For 38 144 €
Auction Page Visit auction page

No reserve
Carte grise française
Châssis n° 690855
Moteur n° PL02118
- Collection Trigano
- Agrément du six cylindres
- Haut de gamme Traction
- Sans réserve
French title
Chassis # 690855
Engine No. PL02118
- Trigano collection
- The more powerful six-cylinder version
- Top-range model of the Traction
- No reserve
1949 Citroën Traction 15-Six berline